
时间:2012/05/08 14:22:58 编辑:Ocean


Blinding Flash 致盲闪
of Illumination 暖光之

Circle of Wrath 愤怒之环
of Anguish/devotion/grace/humility 痛苦之/奉献之/慈悲之/虔诚之

Lashing Tail Kick 扫堂腿
of the Scorpion 毒蝎之

Deadly Reach 致命长拳
of Lunging 刺击之

Fists of Thunder 霹雳拳
of the Monsoon 疾风之

Serenity 凝神领域
of Virtue 美德之

Dashing Strike 疾风击
of Reflex 反射之

Dominate Aura 支配光环
of Authority 权威之

Holy Aura 神圣光环
of Divinity 神学之

Crippling Wave 断筋诀
of Breaking 破裂之

Lethal Decoy 致命诱饵
of Diversion 转移之

Retribution Aura 惩戒光环
of Humility 虔诚之

Bronze Warriors 铜人
of Brotherhood 兄弟会之

Exploding Palm 爆裂掌
of Bursting  爆炸之

Inner Sanctuary 避难阵
of Honor 荣誉之

Mystic Ally 神秘盟友
of Devotion 奉献之

Sweeping Wind 凤舞
of the Wind 风之

Way of the Hundred Fists 百伤拳
of Pummeling 连打之

Resist Aura 抗性光环
of Chastity 忠贞之

Seven Sided Strike 七星斩
of Technique 技巧之

Wave of Light 圣光波
of Radiance 光辉之

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