《幽浮2》Long War激光镭射武器MOD包,说是在旧的技能树基础上添加了一个激光脉冲,说是位于磁暴和等离子光束之间,有50%的几率造成更高伤害(暴击),喜欢的玩家赶快下载体验一下武器的威力吧!
This mod adds a pulsed laser tier of weaponry, situated between Magnetic and Beam (Plasma) weapons on the tech tree. They generally do one additional point of damage relative to Magentic weapons, or a 50% chance of one point of damage more for laser pistols.
The basic Pulse Laser technology requires having researched Elerium technology to unlock. Advanced Pulse Lasers requires basic Pulse Laser technology to unlock. Plasma (Beam) weapons now require Advanced Pulse Lasers technology to unlock. This will have the effect of delaying plasma tier weapons because of extra research time, but the resource cost for developing lasers is comparable to magnetic weapons, so you may able to field the lasers somewhat sooner.
这包括一个脉冲激光SMG,脉冲Stengun,如果你也有长期的战争工作室的SMG mod,它只能是可玩的。
This includes a Pulse Laser SMG, the Pulse Stengun, which will only be playable if you also have Long War Studios' SMG mod installed.
文件放到游戏目录XCOM 2\XComGame\Mods\
《幽浮2》是由FiraxisGames制作,2KGames发行的策略回合制游戏,本作大部分设定依旧延续了前作《幽浮》。在游戏中玩家将面对更多的强力敌人和遭遇战,并有可能遇到能够扭转战局的超强力对手。为了让大家更好的体验游戏,牛游戏网为大家整理和收集最新、最全、最实用的幽 ...