Num1 :to add a custom savespot
Num7 to remove blips
Num9 to reenable them
1. Download and install Script HookV: http://gtaforums.com/topic/788343-script-hook-v/
2. Download and install LUA Plugin for Script HookV: https://github.com/gallexme/LuaPlugin-GTAV (You need LUA.asi file.
Put it in your GTA V main directory)
3. Extract scripts folder from downloaded archive to your main GTA V directory, like this: C:Program
FilesSteamsteamappscommonGrand Theft Auto Vscripts
4. Navigate to ...Grand Theft Auto Vscriptsaddins folder.
2. Open the savehouse_mod.lua file in Notepad or any other editor.
3. Scroll down to line 10.
4. Change your location here! Use forward(/) slashes only and try to avoid symbols,spaces are allowed.
5. If you have any previous save files at the location you've just specified,please delete them.
《侠盗飞车5》热门MOD推荐 |
1936款福特皮卡MOD |
1979年款宝马M1MOD |
保时捷卡宴载具MOD |
尼桑370z MOD |
《侠盗飞车5》热门修改器推荐 |
v1.0.463.1二十四项修改器 |
二十四修改器1.0.393.4 |
内置修改器1.0.394.2 |
十九项修改器1.0.372.2 |
《侠盗飞车5》热门补丁推荐 |
汉化补丁1.1 |
联机破解补丁 |
防跳出补丁 |
PS3版欧转美中文补丁 |
《侠盗飞车5》热门升级挡推荐 |
ScriptHook1.0.350.2升级挡 |
二号升级档 |
1号升级档+官方中文恢复工具+离线补 |
奥迪S4MOD |
上一个: 《巫师3:狂猎》光照过场动画MOD
下一个: 《上古卷轴5》超酷奇异战紋MOD
侠盗飞车5存档大全游戏背景洛圣都基于现实地区中的美国洛杉矶和加州南部制作,游戏拥有几乎与现实世界相同的世界观。玩家可扮演三位主角并在任意时刻进行切换,每位主角都有自己独特的人格与故事背景,以及交织的剧情。 ...